Tip #1
Modern plumbing system rely on plastic or PVC pipes to distribute water and to collect waste. Plastic pipes are not only less expensive than metal pipes, they are also easier to install and so are
used in most modern homes. Even if your home now has copper or other metal popes, you can use plastic pipes for most remodeling jobs.
Tips #2
Call an electrician to inspect your home before remodeling. Even if you're not adding electrical service, remodeling your home may give you a good opportunity to upgrade your electrical service. You can save money by planning smart.
Tips #3
If possible, plan to replace as much plumbing as possible with plastic pipes and safer fixtures. If, while testing, you also learn that your home's walls or ceilings have asbestos, consider having it removed by a licensed professional. The easiest and least costly time to do these replacements is while you are remodeling your home.
Tips #4
If you are considering replacing an old furnace with a new energy-efficient unit, first ask local utility companies about your options. Some utilities will even help you purchase a more efficient unit.